Sunday, March 21, 2010

This Sky is my life

Bit by bit I have finally rebuild this page... which brings me to the actual concern of doing it. Three years back, things weren't the same. Take the blog for instance - I didn't even care about the layout or the font or the color or any other stuff. And now... I painstakingly went through hundreds of backgrounds for three hours and finally chose the one I found most appropriate. And ow, I am concerned.

Why have little things started mattering to me, who once upon a time hardly gave a damn to the 'big' things. Some years back, the sky was just an entity of nature for me. Today, if I look at the sky, a thousand thoughts pass my mind. I feel a sudden bout of energy, of grit, as if I could gaze at it almost forever. The sky is no more blank for me. It is full of fairytale creatures, abominable monsters. The sky has become a mystery for me. A mystery which keeps getting interesting as it unfolds

One could take it as an inspiration also, as it is this sky which helped me view things from a photographer's perspective. It is this sky which motivated me to write. It is by the sky that I have thought about my family, my friends, my crushes, my non-friends and others. It is by the sky that I learnt to dare. It is the sky which gave me the rain. It is the sky which taught me how to count stars.

The sky taught me how to dream.