Friday, June 24, 2011


“I miss you Sweta.
I don’t need to look for an opportunity to say so.”

I saw her in a doctor’s coat today. I think that’s what you call it. *a doctor’s coat*
She’s never looked more beautiful before.

YOU KNOW, I miss her. Yes, telepathically (and telephonically), she’s right there. But it’s been some time since we’ve talked. Like yes, we’ve spoken. But still.

And when I saw that photograph of hers in a coat, I cried. *yes, love. I DO cry about everything*
She has made me proud. And everyone else. And she’s only going to make us proud further.

She inspires me. To live.
*To write, even when I think I’m having a block*
She inspires me to move forward in spite of the failed consequences and unfavourable consequences.
She inspires to, well, inspire.

And also to non-fearingly hit on guys. ; )

She is living a hard life. Whether or not she accepts it, it is the truth. She inspires me not to complain. And to be happy with what I have. And still keep trying to get better.

Her stoical silence speaks to me. And well, it inspires me to speak.

I’m jealous though. Of the fact that she has a free MMS service and I don’t. How Sweta, how?
“My wallpaper is infested with that picture of your bunny. Well, it IS cute”

Yes, now I’m sleepy.

Oh wait, song -
She just changes her mind.
She is frequently kind and she's suddenly cruel.
But she can do as she pleases, she's nobody's fool.
And she can't be convicted, she's earned her degree.
And the most she will do is throw shadows at you,
But she's always a woman to me. :D

To start with, rather to *never* end with, she is this frikkin’ awesome person and I’m lucky to have her in my life. She, is genius.

She, Sweta, is my best friend.