Friday, April 6, 2007

Misery of Solitude

Laugh and the world will laugh with you;
Weep and you weep alone.
There are all present, to share your joys;
But tears, you must drink on your own.

The world is ready to take your pleasure;
But for your woe, they have no measure.
Throw a party and all come to feast;
Starve and they look upon you as beasts.

So, learn to rely and depend on yourself;
Do not act according to your mood.
Because when the world will pass you by;
You will understand the misery of solitude.


Anonymous said...

hey nice yaar wud u mind if i also joined ur blog i also write and i can make ur blog popular too. wot say.

Unknown said...

Hey Nidhi, that is good, but the color messed up the lines, change the color so that people can read that well.. take care