Thursday, June 17, 2010


I'm still wondering about all the reasons that has kept me away from writing for the past few days.
Work, No I've had no huge workload. But I don't find time enough.
Environment, I have had days bustling with activity, surrounded by young cousins, attending a wedding.
Stress, College. I reached the highest Ph level of stress waiting for college lists to come out.
No access to internet. For a long time.

Mindset. Go figure.

I have written before in spite a huge workload, amidst a bigger wedding, in my diary if I have had no access to the blog and under extreme cases of stress. It is my mindset which has kept me away.

What induced this mindset, I'm yet to find out. A mental block, a writer's block is the last thing I want to be suffering from. But, nothing that I write seems to come to an end.

After endless torn papers and incomplete compositions, I have decided that I have had ENOUGH.

Its time to start exploring again.Its  time to wage a war against my mind. Its time to break the conflict.
No matter how it turns out to be, I'm not going to take a break and I'm going to start writing again.

I've blabbered enough. It's time to rise again.
Its time, to live again.

1 comment:

Pie said...

I can't believe I wrote that! :O