Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Te Amo Muerte

(Pages From My Diary - The 8th of Jan, 2011)

She wonders often, what would have happened had she agreed to stay the night. Stayed for the rest of her life. With Kurt. Her Kurt.

The sea by her window, it bothers her. She is volatile like the sea. Indecisive, Unsteady. Impulsive.
She is an escapist. She doesn’t like things which reflect her self.
Or which bring back memories. The sea, by which they danced. By which he asked. The sea by which they kissed.
No. She doesn’t remember it anymore. She doesn’t want to. She has killed the past and buried the memories.
“Will you marry me?” he whispers. They’re dancing. The sound of sea is not far away. “Yes” she whispers back.
She pulls herself awake. Awake from the nightmare she doesn’t want to see. Again.

That is the last time she had seen him. Its been seven years now. Last. Seven.


“Stay the night with me. Stay the night Stella.”
“No Kurt, I can’t. I have to go. I love you”.
“I love you Stella”.
She is walking away.

“Stella. Stella.”

There is a road in between the beach and the car park. She has crossed over.
“Stella listen, please Stel…”

Stella turns. “Kurt!”
The car has come and the car has gone. Kurt, he is gone too.


No. She doesn’t want to remember what had happened before and after it. The argument before she leaves. The mess after she has.
The blood. His hazel eyes. The hair on his face. The ring in his hand.
Her Kurt. Dead and gone.
“I never intended to leave”. She is wiping the hair off his face. “Kurt. Kurt”

Seven years. Lived in a trance. Lived devoid of thoughts, devoid of memories.

Its Kurt’s birthday today.
She has not crossed over. She never will.

“Happy Birthday Kurt…”

1 comment:

bhargava.pragati said...

However,Any model that puts all value on one point, as last-click and first-click do, will under-value other influences. Both last-click and first-click completely under-value marketing efforts that influence the middle of the funnel.

In any case, research implies that models that assume a single touch-point influence are not great at estimating value.

One touch interaction models can be circumstantial in nature.

Branded keywords during last interaction are navigational in nature and could result in taking credit from the interactions that brought conversion or awareness so correcting it

Most of the attribution models give 100 % credit to single channel ( first or last interaction or linear arbitrary touch points ) .Certain assumptions have to be made about data . Depending on business models and objectives Custom Attribution Models can be made with custom credit rules. It allows the analyst to create their own set of rules around what traffic should be counted as what channel without any need for coding or changes to their SiteCatalyst implementation. It is important to acknowledge number of touch points or interactions that have occurred before conversion as Attribution Modeling is an idea to realize that many factors affect the consumer’s decision to buy. These factors range from the different capabilities of the channels (online and offline ), to the time between receiving the message and the purchase, to the message itself. And, our aim is to find logical ways to split the credit among all channels.

How to measure Offline influence?

Intended or not for most companies radio, TV, newspapers, magazines, catalogs, retail stores, call centers, etc still form a bulk of their business advertising and marketing expenditure. All these touch points have an online impact resulting in conversions. Offline conversion could be in form of TV ad , Magazine or Billboard etc.

Methods to track them :

1)Placing an easy to remember URL along with ad which can be tracked
For example: A magazine ad with the call to action Visit redirects to

o Segmenting visits with the tracking code.
o Tracking with a web based interface and collecting data .

Ensuring that

1) URL’s are easy to remember

2) URL’s have permanent redirects

3) Correct tracking parameters i.e. Newspaper Name, Month, Year etc.

2) Tracking offer codes/redeemable coupons

Offline mediums carry unique promotion codes that must be typed into a form on the website. This allows those visits to be tracked. It works well for TV, magazines, radio, catalogs and other such mediums where it is easy for people to remember the codes.